
Sunday 13 September 2020

CASE A Sketch CTC#285

This week at CASE-ing The Catty we are focusing on a sketch from page 29 of the mini catalogue. I love a sketch, often when I CASE I look for a sketch within the featured cards and projects to use.

This sketch seemed to suit the limited supplies I have from the Playful Pets Suite, a great chance to display some of the patterned paper, ribbon and twine. The lovely, soft, red velvet paper from page 63 of the mini catalogue added some beautiful texture to the assortment of strips. Have you guessed that I've made a photo scrapbook for our new furry family member, Lockie? 

Red foil featured also, die cut with a stitched rectangle and placed behind the label from Stitched So Sweetly dies. 

My grandchildren FaceTime and see Lockie that way, but I thought I'd pop a few pictures of Lockie when he was little, Lockie being cute, or naughty into this book for them to look at when we are out of lockdown and I can see them 'in the flesh' again.

Lockie the Lockdown cat is 5 months, and already nearly as big as our last furbaby, Jasper, ever was in his 14 years of life.  Naturally, Lockie thinks he rules the roost and has taken over my husband's chair!

This is a great sketch to CASE, I challenge you to join us this week and share your card or project here on our Facebook page.

My lovely friend Julia, up in Queensland is next along on the hop.

I'd love you to choose my online shop to purchase from, and when you use the Host Code at check out, I will send you a gift. The items listed below were used in my projects above, and link to that item in my online shop.

Product List


  1. I love your album!! What a great way to keep the memories of your kitten. And what a handsome boy he is!

  2. What a great way to use the sketch for the cover of a photo album. I’m sure the grandchildren will love it.

  3. Gosh, Lockie has grown quite a bit since I saw him last! What a wonderful idea to do a little album for your grandies. The cover uses the sketch perfectly.

  4. Lockie is beautiful!!! And so is your album!

  5. So so clever and gorgeous and what a great idea to keep his cute photos!! Totally wonderful.

  6. This is an absolutely gorgeous idea and I am sure your grandchildren will really treasure this. Lockie is also absolutely gorgeous, he looks very comfortable in front of the camera there, and I love the name!! The cover of your album is fab, love the bright pops of red and the black against the cardboard, and a very clever use of the sketch.


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